Quentin Klopfenstein
Post-doctoral researcher
Applied Mathematics, Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence
Biomedical Data Science group, LCSB, Université du Luxembourg

About me
I am a post-doctoral researcher at the Biomedical Data Science group in Luxembourg. Our team is headed by Enrico Glaab and aims at developping softwares and tools to analyze biomedical data and find relevant information for medical purposes. Previously, I did my PhD at IMB (Univ. de Bourgogne, France) under the supervision of H. Cardot and S. Vaiter.
- Two articles accepted at the Neurips 2022 conference. One on a fast solver for Generalized Linear Model using scikit-learn API available here and one on a benchmark package for optimization algorithms in machine learning. The article is available here.
- Our work on implicit differentation for hyperparameters selection has been accepted for publication in Journal of Machine Learning Research! The article is available here.
- Our work on constrained Support Vector Regression has been accepted to the Machine Learning journal of Springer. The article is available here.

1, boulevard du Jazz
L-4370 Esch-sur-Alzette